That new church across the road
Makes you mad -doesn't it - all the people that fall for the smart looking but shiny and superficail new thing!
After spending nearly 15 years seeking to restore some sense of workable order to a small but capable working group that has, for all those years ,been losing members to the church across the road - you do wonder !GOD what are you doing
"Who really has the power" and "Why do you allow this God-- if you care to act for good , as you say you do, why don't you support those who know what they are taking about - who really care ?" "Are you as powerful as you claim to be? ". Why haven't you sent lightning to strike the new church? show everyone how shallow and sueprficail they are all ove there /.
mean its pretty obvoius to moist it s just that you don't tlak about it ,.ther s new money and town and we don't ask just wher its coming from or even too much about how long its going to last - just grateful its happenin.doing good for community capacity . As well they are saying all the right things so don't knock em
I mean if God would speak he might say " why not have 2 instaed of one - you would'nt want the newcomers to have to deal with all your old elders would you?" Better they set upther own . we want numbers not numbers of institutions don't you remeber what i dsaid when i spoke to the priests about stabndig inthe doorway ! eh! you belive in biodiversity too don't you . gentiles and jews and all that stuff . Maybe hHe would say wre are on the same team realy we belives in diversity , be thankful . I haven't allowed your your beuatiful buildings to be struck down - you haven't been perfect .
At least My old church across the road has the stickability and sustainability appeal , "well to old dinosaurs at least ?"- the new incarnation change for changes sake stuff is just simply not an issue . He's come. He spoke. He's solved the key issues; He's done it all --that' it !
The attractive NEW church across the road ,from what you hear is - not so much about singing as chanting. . Its rumoured they pay people a lot to go there and that's why most of them go. While they offer you heaps to stay there, you have to learn to use new hymnbooks each week and they spend a lot of time at meetings talking tlaking printing stargeigising and publishinhg new stegaies . they even make everyon who goes near the place fill out great wads of forms with strnge eccelsiatical words .it seems --if you read between the lines of those who go there that they are even required to say things you don't even believe . You can make them cry or get angry if you try to explore the rtruth with them or use the words they unedrstand and like t o use - not good .
Its amazing that anyone goes . maybe its just the money and the handouts! How did they ever get onto this loot
So which church is better inthe long trem ? Payed poorly but given great freedom to talk through issues or paid well to be a prisoner?
After spending nearly 15 years seeking to restore some sense of workable order to a small but capable working group that has, for all those years ,been losing members to the church across the road - you do wonder !GOD what are you doing
"Who really has the power" and "Why do you allow this God-- if you care to act for good , as you say you do, why don't you support those who know what they are taking about - who really care ?" "Are you as powerful as you claim to be? ". Why haven't you sent lightning to strike the new church? show everyone how shallow and sueprficail they are all ove there /.
mean its pretty obvoius to moist it s just that you don't tlak about it ,.ther s new money and town and we don't ask just wher its coming from or even too much about how long its going to last - just grateful its happenin.doing good for community capacity . As well they are saying all the right things so don't knock em
I mean if God would speak he might say " why not have 2 instaed of one - you would'nt want the newcomers to have to deal with all your old elders would you?" Better they set upther own . we want numbers not numbers of institutions don't you remeber what i dsaid when i spoke to the priests about stabndig inthe doorway ! eh! you belive in biodiversity too don't you . gentiles and jews and all that stuff . Maybe hHe would say wre are on the same team realy we belives in diversity , be thankful . I haven't allowed your your beuatiful buildings to be struck down - you haven't been perfect .
At least My old church across the road has the stickability and sustainability appeal , "well to old dinosaurs at least ?"- the new incarnation change for changes sake stuff is just simply not an issue . He's come. He spoke. He's solved the key issues; He's done it all --that' it !
The attractive NEW church across the road ,from what you hear is - not so much about singing as chanting. . Its rumoured they pay people a lot to go there and that's why most of them go. While they offer you heaps to stay there, you have to learn to use new hymnbooks each week and they spend a lot of time at meetings talking tlaking printing stargeigising and publishinhg new stegaies . they even make everyon who goes near the place fill out great wads of forms with strnge eccelsiatical words .it seems --if you read between the lines of those who go there that they are even required to say things you don't even believe . You can make them cry or get angry if you try to explore the rtruth with them or use the words they unedrstand and like t o use - not good .
Its amazing that anyone goes . maybe its just the money and the handouts! How did they ever get onto this loot
So which church is better inthe long trem ? Payed poorly but given great freedom to talk through issues or paid well to be a prisoner?
They had a big flag up this week ) yellow black and a red dot ) . It was the flag of those who think they should own the country, but don't .
I do wonder about tax payer funded institutions that don't seem to really seem to know what they are on about - maybe they are just there to support the well intentioned , the good cause . No I draw the limit at those that support only politically correct causes well outside their paid brief .
They had a big flag up this week ) yellow black and a red dot ) . It was the flag of those who think they should own the country, but don't .
I do wonder about tax payer funded institutions that don't seem to really seem to know what they are on about - maybe they are just there to support the well intentioned , the good cause . No I draw the limit at those that support only politically correct causes well outside their paid brief .
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